Will's Copy Center: Links


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Our Friends:

Ed's Alltronics is the seacoast area's foremost sales/service facility, serving most major brands of TV's, DVD, Panasonic Hi Def TV's, Telephone Systems, Home Theater, CB Radio's, Metal Detectors, Guns & Amo. Plus we provide Photo ID services for passports, concealed weapons permits, business ID, and medical ID cards.

Patricia Washburn is our Portland-based resource for Web design, copywriting, and social media consultation.

Imperial Porphyry is the purple stone that was once reserved for Roman emperors. Own a piece of it for yourself!

The Animal Welfare Society in Kennebunk is where we got the copy center dog, Franklin. They do a lot of good for animals and you should probably go adopt a new friend.

Legion III Cyrenaica
Our friends from the Roman re-enactment group Legio III Cyrenaica stand guard at the copy center. You can see them each spring in the Kennebunk May Day Parade.


Never do this:
Our friendly staff is here to help
Funny copier commercial on the same theme:
A great reason to have a professional make copies ...
Copier humor:
Classical Music Rant (Not copier related)